Maybe NRGZ28 can incorporate this mod into the next rom?

Thanks go to Kamill for getting it working again!
[MOD] CompactHome - improved Home tab for TF3D 2.1 by Kamill
Originally Posted by Kamill
CompactHome Standard
only for Manila 2.1
CompactHome Classic
only for Manila 2.1
CompactHome Classic Full
only for Manila 2.1

To do:
- correct landscape mode
- have 6 appointments when small clock is chosen
- have appointments scrolling in portrait (?)
All the modifications have been done in the mode9 file.
For further development I need help in decompiling the 53cc1e4f_manila script (in attachment) - it would be great if anyone could help!
BgAll versions are for those who use the BackgroundAllTabs mod.
CompactHomeScreen for TF3D 2.0 by hallatore