Originally Posted by MassStash
can/does it need to, the msxipkernel be spinlocked for VK??
@joojoo, i put the sys attributes fixer uper in sys root, n drug the 21844 folder into it. upon this, i got a whole bunk of could not finds.... still work, just goofy, or defiantly puking n me doin somthing incorrect? also, starting to get a handle on the xip thing. correct me if i'm wrong, but getting the 21844 msxipkernel from the gene forum is not a problem at all right? if i used a gene oemxipkernel, i'd brick right?
and i just saw 21847's common n xip over at the gene forum too, neone know what's goin on with that??
That's normal as far as the errors on the batch file. It's set to look for certain file names, some can probably be removed (like the manilla lines, since Touch Flo won't be in the SYS). Safely ignore
As far as the MSXIPKernel, it doesn't matter WHERE/WHAT device you grab it from, but using the OEMXIPKernel will more than likely not brick your device, but just won't work. Better to just not try it though