Had a TP flashed to metro...currently running the EnergyROM. I had the 'net up and running on the stock Alltel ROM (read the FAQs on how to do it) Previously on the Silence ROM and now on this one, when I go to the "connections" settings, under "Modem", I set the number to call (#777) and on the next screen where it asks for the username/pass, I put in the 10 digit phone
number@mymetropcs.com. Then I put "metropcs" in the pass field. I save it, then immediately come back and it keeps changing to a 16 digit passcode! I cant tell what its changing it to, due to the characters being *******! What the hell is up with this? Never had this happen till I used a custom ROM! Anybody else have this happen to them??
Any ideas appreciated....hate to have to go back to the sucky stock rom just for the net to work...
Please Help!