Originally Posted by buggerritt
Here I go: installing MR6 on my 6th replacement Touch Pro. 4 bad keyboards and 2 bad screens. I believe this is going to deserve a WEL replacement to a TP2, when they are available. The only way to get TP replacements now, is to call for advance replacement. No stores have them or parts for them anymore. C'mon Sept 8th!
At least your stores had some in the first place. None of the Verizon stores (at least in my state) ever got any TPs in stock. I walked in when my first one's keyboard went out and everyone was like "Wow! what phone is that?!" LOL!
But yeah I agree about getting upgraded to a TP2. These phones aren't cheap to buy and for what they cost the dang keyboard should wash my dishes, but at the very least it should WORK when I want it to.
On a side note... How did your screens go bad? I had a buddy of mine text me last night and say his backlight would come on, but no image would show up. The only way to get it back was to power it up in bootloader mode and then soft reset. But then as soon as the screen shut off it wouldn't come back again. I'm gonna have him hard reset (maybe reflqsh back to stock then back to MR6) tonight to see if that helps. was that the same screen issue you've had?