Originally Posted by spyderr911
....I cooked a Rom with Verizonguy's kitchen and noticed there are a few cab files and other things in there. Was this just used for temp storage when installing the rom to the phone perhaps?....
Not really, as I understand it (and since I'm just another student here I may be wrong) - the Extended Rom is one of the three Read-only images that are typically flashed to the phone (the other two being the "ROM" and the "Radio"). It is designed to be locked (read-only) memory of around 10MB that includes the carrier customizations - essentially a batch file that loads a bunch of cabs in a particular sequence. If it exists, that batch file gets called automatically by the operating system after a hard reset. The rom you flashed with Verizonguy's kitchen probably "unhid" the pre-existing Extended Rom (making it visible) and may have even unlocked it (making it writeable). That's why you saw some cab files and a few other things.
In the OP of this thread, VG offers an extended rom image (i.e. an ms_.nbf file) that, when included in an RUU flash, overwrites whatever is there with a ~10MB image of pure emptiness . Of course, including NO ms_.nbf file in the RUU flash - as most of us do - will leave the extended rom alone. (Finally this is all based on having the same bootloader, but let's not go there.)
Nick, I suppose if you actually want to erase all your small cabs at every flash, this would be a sure way to do it. I just didn't see an obvious reason to erase the extended rom more than once.