Originally Posted by Lee K
Your posts are extremely annoying and misinforming.
The TP2 is so much faster than the TP1 it's almost insulting. Have you even used one?
I'm happy that you're all nerdy about the 3D driver being missing and you like to go in every thread trying to announce it and get attention, but no one cares. The phone BLOWS the TP1 away in literally every aspect aside from the lack of an LED. Not even comparable.
No no no.......... don't get angry. Its the truth. I played with 2 version of it yesterday and I left feeling like I just played with my Pro 1. Tf3d2 is a bit faster but everything else is almost 99.999999999% identical. You know.. some ppl want to hear the truth and not fantasies in how we all wish its 10X better than the PRo1. Common.. seriously?