Originally Posted by Whotahn
Stylus out wake up isn't a bad feature. Not that big of a deal to me, but for those wanting the feature on this ROM there is a way.
S2U2 by AC has an option to wake and unlock when the stylus is pulled out of the phone. CMYLXGO has S2U2 built into his pimp package 2 designed especially for the energyROM. I am using it (THANKS to CMYLXGO) and the phone wakes up and unlocks right when the stylus is removed, no problems. Plus you can disable the feature if you don't want it to be active, rather than building it into the ROM.
I did look into this - I use S2U2. Which version are you using? I'm on v2.04, and while there is an option for it, it's grayed out...set to "on". ...and the stylus out doesn't work. Now, I'm curious.
Thanks for the head-scratch.

It is a cool feature, but never a deal breaker.