Originally Posted by Lee K
Your posts are extremely annoying and misinforming.
The TP2 is so much faster than the TP1 it's almost insulting. Have you even used one?
I'm happy that you're all nerdy about the 3D driver being missing and you like to go in every thread trying to announce it and get attention, but no one cares. The phone BLOWS the TP1 away in literally every aspect aside from the lack of an LED. Not even comparable.
Also the lack of a D-pad. I use that d-pad when I'm driving or trying to navigate the OS with one hand... Bigger screen, better keyboard, the conference call system and the supposedly faster speed entice me, but I'm kind of upset that with each iteration HTC makes their flagship phone more and more like the iPhone, and less and less useable by people like me who consider touch screens only useful in certain situations (namely, when you're sitting down and have two hands available, and ready to ignore the world around you).
Something that Gten mentioned alarms me, though- I though the TP2 was supposed to have BETTER battery life! The new wireless radio chip is supposed to be more efficient and not heat up (a warm chip is a clear sign that power is being consumed at an alarming rate), and also be more efficient with battery. Is this not the case? I haven't seen any reports stating the opposite... That would be another hesitation on my part, since the TP is *just* battery conscious enough to get through my day. Any less could be a deal breaker.