Just got a Touch
So I just got a Touch. I bought it new off of ebay. Its a straight unlocked Touch that has no carrier software on it. It just has virgin Windows Mobile 6.1. I guess that’s the right way to say that. I was able to put my SimCard in and use it with no problems. I did have to call Tmobile to get a few settings so the internet would work but now it does fine.
One big problem early on here is the phone will not see a MicroSD. I have both an 8 gig and 2 gig and it will not see either one. I tried formatting the 8 gig on my PC as FAT32 and did the quick format and it still does not see it. Any ideas?
Also I have some general other questions, Where can I get WM 6.5? I see a lot of posts about it on here. Also it looks like I could run Android on here too. Where do I get it and what are your opinions of how it compares to WM?