Originally Posted by Cobaltikus
Thanks jd, I figured out what was causing this, sort of. I've been setting my button to Task Manager as one of the first things I do to set up my phone the way I like it. Then sometime after testing a bunch of stuff, I install SPBMS3. Then the long press send key button doesn't work. But then after reading that it works for you, I tried setting it to some other function and it worked. Then I set it back to Task Manager and it works now too.
So it was me, sort of, and the long press send key is functional.
All is well.
My REMOTE DESKTOP CAB is over a year old and is the one I used with my Titan and does not have the features that allow you to map the storage card or adjust where the sound goes... I'll search for a newer one.
well I plan on building msvc and remote desktop back in this ROM was only temporary so I can test the OS without some of the extras but office, msvc, myphone, remote desktop, and the search (bing) widget I will leave even though I personally do not use some of the listed
My name will appears multiple times spelled different in this sentence , I have two other siblings with the same name as me, don't think to hard to guess what my name is too , who am I