Re: JD 2.01-lr3 082009 (23031) (new 23037 beta1 post 5 082609a)
Originally Posted by Cobaltikus
Missing Remote Desktop and MSVC - these are must haves for me - and my cabs for these are very old - I like when they are included in the rom
The long press Send Key in Button Settings does not seem the work with the last couple betas. I have mine set to Task Manager but it doesn't come up when I long press the send key. Is it just me?
All else seems to be good...
I tried this and it seems to to working for me ..... also your cabs for remote desktop and MSVC are fine nothing has updated in them everything related to those are updated in the OS
My name will appears multiple times spelled different in this sentence , I have two other siblings with the same name as me, don't think to hard to guess what my name is too , who am I