PPCKitchen files for 23037. The 96DPI are a combination of the 23037 0409 Lang and 23034 DPI. There was only one very small minor change to a bmp in the outres.96.dll file, so until Da_G gets the 192 DPI ported, I imagine these will work fine. Let everyone know if they don't

A fair amount of modules have been recmodded (modules believed to have no ill affects when recmodded). The .NET issues from the past few builds did NOT have to be fixed....finally. MS must have found the problem and fixed it themselves.
The PPCKitchen XIPs rar contains XIPs for the Apache, Herman, Kaiser, Titan, Victor and Vogue XIPs. All have been spinlock patched except for the Apache. The Herman is the only XIP tested.
SYS_23037_Common (8/26, 10:27pm EST. Fixed Magnifier and "Personal" settings icons.)
Warning! If these files are used in any other kitchen other than PPCKitchen, please be sure that you fix the file attributes BEFORE or DURING cooking, otherwise problems will ensue (
see FIX here). I have attached the removed packages as well if you do use these in another kitchen.
Thanks to Da_G for the goods!