Originally Posted by veedubguru
If you use pagepool changer, and have multiple roms that you've downloaded in the same place (say your desktop), you can be changing the wrong one.
Example. Rom A, and rom B both come with pagepool changer. You ran the one that came with rom A back when you downloaded and flahsed it. Now when you use the one included with ROM B, it's pointing back to the ROM A folder when you try and point it to the file you're wanting to change the pagepool on.
Even though you have multiple copies of pagepool changer in different ROM folders, and you're running them from the ROM folder they came with, it can still point back to the last ROM file you changed with it since Windows on your computer remembers the last file that the program "pagepool chagner" opened.
Hope that's what's happening, and that this helps. Good luck!
It's funny that you should say that because I did do that once or twice and caught myself when I looked at what folder I was in, I don't still understand it myself and even this rom (as light as it is) isn't freeing up a ton of memory. Thanks for the input.