Is it just me or does TomTom 7 (7.915.9196 available from tobeychris' ftp: ) seem really choppy and not smooth at all? I know some people are having an issue with the GPS being behind by a second or two but this is a separate issue; it seems like the 3d-acceleration issues HTC devices have been experiencing in the last few years are the culprit.
TomTom 7 on my old Vogue was perfectly smooth and now that I'm using a TP2 at 800x480 resolution, not so much. I'm really hoping its just something that I haven't configured properly... I've tried installing the updated 3d drivers but no luck.
Anyone else out there?
Updated: Switching to 7.916.9189 QVGA version and using a Bluetooth GPS receiver makes it run like magic.