Re: Sprint Diamond (battery): How many hours of talk time do you get?
I think a lot has to do with the coverage in your area. Sprint has got so bad that I just got the diamond hoping to even make a call that I could hear all the words. But since I got my diamond my old palm has only been charged ones and wile I was using it as a phone I would need to charge everyday or in the morning it be dead. Also since I flashed, I can now force it into roaming wile in my house and I would almost say in standy it be a few days before it would need to be charged and if my battery gets low I switch it to roam only and it is good till I go to bed also change it to 1x only. So try 1x and roaming and see if that helps any. I can talk more and use the web and other stuff just as well and I don’t need to plug it in till I go to bed.