Originally Posted by marcjen
Yoztag's Manilla 2.1 is much better than XbMod's, imo. XBMod's calendar is unusable. Along with a few other things that are completely broken.
Other people have Yoztag's running with no issues. Is it possible the SYS is causing a problem and just need to work out the bugs?
With Yoztag's 2.1 and Nikaon Ezinput 2.2, I think I'd be in heaven. Along with the super fast 6.1 sys, I think I'd have the perfect ROM!
I have to agree... Yoztag's Manila 2.1 is much more stable than Xbmod's Rhodium port. The 6.1 SYS with Manila 2.1 and EZ Input 2.2 would make my day (if the initial Facebook linking to contact card worked properly)... I still can only link my facebook outside of my contact card, so I cannot update status without using Opera and cannot setup my contact card with my facebook picture with 6.1 SYS.