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Old 08-26-2009, 05:18 PM
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Re: Transfer Contacts

Originally Posted by Osz View Post
Ok so I have an issue. I had a Touch Pro but it decided to go for a swim. My contacts are backed up on my memory card, pim file, the Pre does not take memory cards or have the windows based operation so I can't just place the file and reset it. Is there any way I can transfer the contacts? Thanks!
How are the contacts backed up on the card? (what program, is it compressed, etc)

Have you made sure that the card still works?

My suggestions:

  1. Go to a sprint store, see if they can read the SD card (through another TP maybe?). have them import the contacts onto the pre.
  2. Try whatever program you used to see if it exported into a file that can be opened on a computer. If so, export those to a .csv or whatever then back up through a non device source (I use Gmail like the other poster, but exchange or another program should work).
  3. (Last ditch effort! Get a hold of another WinMo device (Hard reset it), restore your contacts there, then do a Gmail (or other) sync. Pull down your info from your pre. Hard reset the WinMo device again (to get your info off of it).
I realize this last method is cumbersome, but it worked for me. If you dont have an old device handy (or a friends device who has a good system wide back up), you can try to go to a sprint store and tell them you want to try out the device for a little while. You can do this in the store, and it will take about 30 mins or so depending on the size of your contacts file...

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