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Old 08-26-2009, 03:29 PM
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Re: [7/14/09] - Nitrogen v1.1 (definitely my new mp3 player)

Maybe I'm missing something, but I dont see a way to easily get to a song. in WMP you can just bring up the playlist browser and start typing a name and it does a smart search. TF#D music tab is great with its WMP playlist support, which I dont see in Nitogen, so you would have to rebuild your playlist instead of just using the ones you already have on your desktop. You can flick browse but just like TF3D music tab and WMP it doesnt have letter chooser so you have to scroll the whole freaking list and if youve got more than a few hundred songs it is just a pita. Pocket player is the only one with letter scrolling. Pocket player is prob the best one out there but is overpriced and although it has an amazingly beautiful fullscreen album art player mode, it doesnt support swiping, which is retarded. AC's S2P has incredible potential and is the most beautiful with coverflow and coling of Ipod's music player but it is buggy as hell and AC doesnt do anything to futher develop what is probably his most promising app that he could actually make money off of.....

I also notice that nitogen will not display any of my album art although tf3d and WMP shows all of them...

Basically all of the Winmo players fall short at the moment, which is pretty freakin pitiful considering the platform is 10 years older than Iphone.
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