08-26-2009, 06:31 AM
PPCGeeks Regular
Location: Madrid
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition
Follow the instructions about the attributes, I made this inclusion on my createROM.bat:
@echo off
REM ================================================== =========================================
echo.Copying OS.nb.payload...
copy ..\ROM\OS.nb.payload OS.nb.payload > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto error
REM ================================================== =========================================
REM Disabling sign/cert checking by patching xip.bin with cmonex's autopatcher
..\TOOLS\mytools\autopatcher_v1_cli.exe -cert xip.bin
REM ================================================== =========================================
REM Inserting xip.bin in OS.nb.payload(our device's rom template)
REM implantxip.exe doesn't work if ULDR partition has been TOTALY removed from the OS.nb.payload , so we use msflshtool.exe to do the job
REM If you use an OS.nb.payload with ULDR partition then implantxip.exe will work , so you could use that by moving the REM from the beginning of the "implantxip" cmd line to the "msflshtool" cmd line .
REM echo.
REM ..\TOOLS\implantxip.exe xip.bin OS.nb.payload
REM if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto error
..\TOOLS\msflshtool.exe OS.nb.payload -r xip.bin -p 0
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto error
REM ================================================== =========================================
REM Using imgfs tools to build the *.nb:
REM OS.nb.payload ---[ImgfsFromNb(extracts ONLY the IMGFS part from OS.nb.payload and writes it to imgfs.bin)]---> imgfs.bin
..\TOOLS\IMGFS\ImgfsFromNb.exe OS.nb.payload imgfs.bin
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto error
REM 'dump' directory ---[ImgfsFromDump(creates imgfs-new.bin from the 'dump' subdirectory using the imgfs.bin to read the IMGFS header to be used in the imgfs-new.bin)]---> imgfs-new.bin
..\TOOLS\IMGFS\ImgfsFromDump.exe imgfs.bin imgfs-new.bin
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto error
REM imgfs-new.bin ---[ImgfsToNb(copies all data except the IMGFS partition from OS.nb.payload to OS-new.nb, then adds the IMGFS partition from imgfs-new.bin)]---> OS-new.nb
..\TOOLS\IMGFS\ImgfsToNb.exe imgfs-new.bin OS.nb.payload OS-new.nb -bigstoragemove
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto error
REM ================================================== ==========================================
attrib S00? +H /S
rem attrib *.* +A -S -H -R
attrib/temp/dump/*.dll +S +H +R
attrib/temp/dump/*.exe +S +H +R
attrib/temp/dump/*.lnk -S -H -R
attrib/temp/dump/*.csv +S +H +R
attrib/temp/dump/*.htm +S +H +R
attrib/temp/dump/*.mui +S +H +R
attrib/temp/dump/*.doc +S +H +R
attrib/temp/dump/*.dat +S +H +R
attrib/temp/dump/*.provxml +S +H +R
attrib/temp/dump/*.xls +S +H +R
attrib/temp/dump/*.xml +S +R
attrib/temp/dump/*_manila +H
attrib/temp/dump/*manil* +H
attrib/temp/dump/*.mid +S +R
attrib/temp/dump/*.vol +S +R
attrib/temp/dump/*.txt +S +R
attrib/temp/dump/*.wav +S +R
attrib/temp/dump/*.wma +S +R
attrib/temp/dump/*.png +H
attrib/temp/dump/*.brn +H
attrib/temp/dump/*.gif +S +R
attrib/temp/dump/*.jpg +S +R
attrib/temp/dump/*.bmp +S +R +H
REM Fix for smartskey.inf
attrib/temp/dump/*.inf -S -R -H
attrib/temp/dump/+A +R +H +S *.provxml
attrib/temp/dump/-H -S -R *.jpg
attrib/temp/dump/-H -S -R *.bmp
ECHO. Fixing Attributes
REM ================================================== =========================================
REM Optional patching the PagePool Size in OS-new.nb
REM This will ONLY work if you patch the S000 of nk.exe module in OEMXIPKERNEL inside \ROM\XIP - Check *ReadMe.txt for info about this section .
REM Find and set the offset responsible for the PagePool Size, select your favorite PagePool Size and remove the REM from the beginning of the cmd line .
REM If you don't, then you could change the PagePool Size after building the ROM by using PagePoolChanger v2.21 .
REM set offset=0x0EAB60
REM echo.PagePool SIze patching (0MB)...
REM ..\TOOLS\mytools\hexalter.exe OS-new.nb %offset%=0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
REM echo.PagePool SIze patching (2MB)...
REM ..\TOOLS\mytools\hexalter.exe OS-new.nb %offset%=0x00,0x00,0x20,0x00
REM echo.PagePool SIze patching (4MB)...
REM ..\TOOLS\mytools\hexalter.exe OS-new.nb %offset%=0x00,0x00,0x40,0x00
REM echo.PagePool SIze patching (6MB)...
REM ..\TOOLS\mytools\hexalter.exe OS-new.nb %offset%=0x00,0x00,0x60,0x00
REM echo.PagePool SIze patching (8MB)...
REM ..\TOOLS\mytools\hexalter.exe OS-new.nb %offset%=0x00,0x00,0x80,0x00
REM echo.PagePool SIze patching (10MB)...
REM ..\TOOLS\mytools\hexalter.exe OS-new.nb %offset%=0x00,0x00,0xA0,0x00
REM echo.PagePool SIze patching (12MB)...
REM ..\TOOLS\mytools\hexalter.exe OS-new.nb %offset%=0x00,0x00,0xC0,0x00
REM echo.PagePool SIze patching (14MB)...
REM ..\TOOLS\mytools\hexalter.exe OS-new.nb %offset%=0x00,0x00,0xE0,0x00
REM echo.PagePool SIze patching (16MB)...
REM ..\TOOLS\mytools\hexalter.exe OS-new.nb %offset%=0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01
REM echo.PagePool SIze patching (18MB)...
REM ..\TOOLS\mytools\hexalter.exe OS-new.nb %offset%=0x00,0x00,0x20,0x01
REM ================================================== =========================================
echo.Cleaning Junk...
ren OS-new.nb OS.nb > nul
del imgfs-new.bin > nul
del imgfs.bin > nul
del OS.nb.payload > nul
REM ================================================== =========================================
exit 0
echo.ERROR! (errorlevel: %errorlevel%)
exit 1
But still not work. Can someone give a see, and tell me if is wrong?
Thanks in advance