As promised, I have been testing the beta, trying to weasel out bugs for you, here is my first report:
I am quite impressed with the speed and stability of the currently available beta Juicy, aside from the aforementioned TF3D crashes, which have been fixed already anyway, its quite polished for a beta. I truly can't wait for the release version.
I also thought it might be helpful if I consolidated bugs that other people have reported as well, so I have them listed after the new ones I have found.
That said, here are the bugs I have been able to find so far that I have not seen reported already:
-The graphics for the scroll arrows in scroll bars are missing. They still seem to function if tapped, but are just missing an arrow graphic.
-The random access bar for weather tab is not flush with right side of screen
-HTC Calculator is missing (it is just the Win default)
-Voice command is broken, or missing components
-Teeter is missing, don't know if this is a bug, or intentional, but it has been in the previous Juicy releases
-Random hangs while using SIP keyboard (related to the graphical corruptions maybe?)
-Setting TF3D wallpaper sometimes does not update until TF3D is restarted
-TF3D and Opera Highlights are HTC green instead of the new black like the rest of the interface, including the HTC finger menus (not sure if this is intentional or not, but thought I should mention it)
Previously reported bugs (which I also confirmed):
- <FIXED> Accessing the HTC contacts list, or call history crashes TF3D
- <FIXED> Hardware keyboard mapping issues
- <FIXED> Graphical corruption with SIP keyboard
- Audio Manager not working
- Opening texts in TF3D crashes it
- Graphical corruption when starting camera, and when taking a picture. (Is not frozen, its just the picture preview after you take a picture, press the ok button, and it will setup for next picture)
-ms floating popup event window skin does not extend to corners
-default win 6.5 menus arrows are HUGE (Finger menu disabled)
-Win Default wallpaper (and start menu) is WM6.5 default blue color.
-Opera shortcut missing from start menu
-Audio Booster skin has some issues and overlaps
Previously reported bugs (unconfirmed):
-NFSU does not run
-HTCAlbum has an issue playing mp4s
Things that are FIXED in this version that were broken in previous versions!
-*Both* lock-screens work now! Although there is a weird artifact where the first time you lock the screen with the slider, it will instead use the classic lock-screen, but after that, whichever one you have set is the one that runs, small price to pay for working lock-screens if you ask me.
-You Tube not only works, but streams nice and smoothly, even very large files, in high quality mode
-Currently selected item in some programs having a corrupted icon is fixed
Confirmed old bugs from previous versions:
-Phone options when called from dialer fails
-Battery icon not showing on today screen when set to
-Incorrect Device ID
-Contacts and History in WM dialer missing
If I missed anything, or you have already fixed anything listed, PM or reply, and I'll update the list.
Once again, really great work on this Juicy, and thank you for all the time and effort you put in, if there is any way I can help out,
please let me know.