I'd like to announce my latest app, 3 months in the making:
Avatar! This is a companion post to the
xda-developers post. Avatar is a photo dialer with the ultra-smooth scrolling and low memory footprint characteristics you love about iContact and iDialer.
Avatar is extremely easy to use:
- Flick to scroll among your contacts. Contacts without pictures will not show up.
- Tap an avatar to bring up details. This is where iContact integration kicks in: if iContact is installed, Avatar will use it. If not, it will bring up the standard contact manager.
- Tap-and-hold on an avatar to call using that contact's "smart property": the one that shows up in the standard contact manager. "<m>" = mobile, "<w>" = work, "<h>" = home, etc.
That's it! Easy!
Avatar features:
- low memory footprint - only around 100KB on VGA
- Works on all screens: VGA, QVGA, WVGA, WQVGA, Square
- AppToDate support
- Ultra-smooth scrolling
- Integrates with iContact and iDialer
Download from my website: