Originally Posted by bliind
I'm curious about installing EnergyROM on a Verizon Diamond.. I've searched plenty and I guess there's no security unlocker out there for the vzw version? (Please, correct me if I'm wrong.) However, I put my buddy's Diamond in bootloader mode and it has a grey banner at the top, with red writing, "Security Unlocked" -- he got his phone from the Verizon store, could it be security unlocked? Would it be okay to try to flash EnergyROM to this phone?
I hope you didn't attempt to flash or unlock! OK, so the "Security Unlocked" is something pertaining to the radio of your phone and not the bootloader. Please read this
thread. As far as a Verizon locker, I have not seen one, but I haven't really looked either because I'm on Sprint.
EDIT: Alright, did some research for ya, and yeah I don't think there is a Verizon unlocker (not here anyways), you might be out of luck. Apparently the Verizon version of the Diamond and Pro has a different chipset so the unlocker will not work.
Phones, Past to Present: HTC Wizard, AT&T Samsung Blackjack, HTC Touch Diamond, HTC Evo 4G