Originally Posted by skimco
thanks mike It looks like I will stick around here at ppcgeeks just not with a ppc.....but I really would like SOMEBODY to tell me why they prefer htc to the Iphone......??????
freedom...not to mention, I can do everything the iphone does as the iphone is actually trying to catch up with Windows mobile as far as features. Great device, but they are in fact chasing each other.
Voice dialing, "Play Artist", come on now, the Mogul did this...
MP3 transfer phone to phone, Apache anyone?
Wireless contact tranferring, need I say more?
Apps, my god...
What HTC is following now is sole grafx...the iPhone has UNMATCHED grafx and a fun factor that can be pretty hard to beat. To hide the "tap to send" bluetooth transfer wth a sliding gesture in place (giving the illusion of "throwing the file to the next phone") is just a no brainer to the no-brainers using it. Little things like that can make a HUMONGOUS difference in the overall experience.
My vote still goes to HTC for the sole reason that the iPhone can't do "everything" an HTC can and the only way to get it close is to spend cash to get it there. If I want an iPhone, I get the iDiamond skin. I want a Hero, I run Sense UI. I want a G1, I load up the Android OS, etc. Not to mention, it is the closest thing to an actually PC I have that fits in my pocket.
Unless you will be using you're phone more like a 2008-2009 released laptop, then the iPhone may be a more fitting choice for the fact of being more of a pocket super-phone rather than a pocket laptop phone. Gratz on getting it though and you're always welcome back in my book!