Re: [ Last kitchen is up ] Calkulin's Kitchen & ROMs
Originally Posted by timtlm
Hey, been out of the scene for a while. Really sad to see calc go, everything he has done has been so great.
I have a question about storage memory. I am using the latest 6.5 rom, and the total storage memory is 76mb, and I only have 16mb free. I have only installed spb mobile shell to the device, and about 3 other programs to internal storage. I thought that total storage memory used to be over 100mb back when I was flashing 6.1 roms. Is this the normal amount of storage memory I should be expecting? Also, which gets used when installing to the device, storage or program memory? thanks
i have 80.56 storage on my 6.5 rom with manilla 2.1 cooked in it.
only programs ive got installed are resco, gps radar, and arcsoft, along with some manilla mods and gadgetfreaks taskbar icons
got 25.44mb free
Sprint Evo LTE/3D, Iphone 32gb 4s
Last edited by 2k4mach; 08-26-2009 at 11:29 AM.