Originally Posted by echomatics
Can't see where this would be an issue with the Rom itself, first I have heard of this. perhaps you are right in thinking its a signal issue. Try installing some other radios such as the Telus one and seeing if that makes a large difference.
The email problems seem to be sorting themselves out.
I'm zeroing in on the radio as the cause, as I am missing calls. I tried th
e v1.12.34F radio today, but it doesn't seem to have helped.
It's a Sprint phone, are non-Sprint radios compatible? I'll keep trying different things.
I think the problem is in the way powersave works with the radio. I see signal strength indicator bouncing between 4 bars and none; during radio/data activity. Maybe the the radio is gaining to compensate for weak signal and the powersave is having an OCD fit about it.
A different odd issue is that a couple of phone related soft buttons aren't behaving. The answer button is often either grayed out, or unresponsive w/ most incoming calls. And after an incoming, non-contact call; the 'Add to Contacts' button registers the press, but performs no action.
The probs seem familiar, they may be hangovers from my last ROM. I didn't hard reset first.
OK. That's what I have. A pretty short list, considering that I've really been through the apps enough to cause trouble.
And once again, the power saving is nothing short of amazing. This is my forth ROM in nearly a year on this phone. It's the first ROM to leave me with an operating phone at the end of a charge-less day.
I had resigned myself to leaving chargers at all my regular stops. I'll plug into other people's chargers, whether I know them or not. Now it seems that I may not have to any more.
Astounding indeed.