Originally Posted by Tannerj
does anyone know how to do this? still have not been able to figure this one out.
Thanks... Jarrod
Originally Posted by dcd
please do not bump your questions let alone twice in one page... i do not have alot of time for PDAs but i try to answer everything that is not already answered when i do get time. if i make a big response post like this one and i missed your question and nobody else answered either, then i guess a bump might be appropriate..
i do not know any way to accomplish what you want to do, but isnt that what the end key does? i guess you could run /windows/kbdconfig.exe and change home(hold) to emulate the end key, instead of app button 2.
Sorry about the bump I was asking everyone because are so busy. As for the double post I apoligize for that I guess my computer messed up and sent it twice. I have been having problems with it lately, did not realize I did it until your post.
My a
pologizes to everyone and DCD
I will try what you suggested I appreciated it.
Thanks again... Jarrod