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Old 11-26-2006, 10:22 AM
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700wx just stopped working

Yesterday, after being unable to send text messages, and my today screen looking all garbled, I decided a reset would fix the problem (despite the fact that the phone needed to have a soft reset 2 times prior that same day.)

After doing a soft reset, the phone just got stuck at the "Treo" screen with the white background. No loading bar, no sign of life, no nothing. The screen just stayed at that logo and continued to stay lit for hours on end until I removed the battery.

I decided to go into a Sprint store and have the problem fixed or the phone replaced, however since the Sprint Technician leaves at 4pm, and I happened to arrive at 5pm, I was pretty much told I was out of luck. I asked for a phone so I can call Sprint Customer Care but was told to use a display phone which have no antenna and keeps dropping calls as soon as they connect.

I called Sprint as I got home and was told that the steps I did were the steps they would advise (soft and hard reset), and that it may be a hardware problem. I would have to take it to a store. Only thing is that today is sunday and every store that isn't out of my way is closed. I'm stuck without a phone until Monday evening (when the technician leaves!)

Great customer service, Sprint.
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