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Old 08-25-2009, 11:05 AM
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Re: Windows Mobile 7 delayed AGAIN!!!

Originally Posted by Young_breedent View Post
What i think you fail to realize is that not everyone wants "everything" on there phone. To some of us that would be great because we have no problem spending $500 + on a phone. But to other people they would never use half of those features. So to them $500 is out of the question. For this reason alone is why microsoft is going the route it's going. Why cut off some consumers when you can have both high end and low end devices. And also microsoft is all about software. If a hardware manufacturer whats to run your software on there phone it would be bad business to turn them down. This is why you have so many windows mobile phones. Manufacturers build a phone to run a certain OS unless they have there own. And alot of manufacturers choose windows mobile. The problem is that some of these manufacturers don't put the required specs in there phones to run the OS properly. Which is why some of these windows mobile phones get such a bad rep. Microsoft is changing this by having certain requirements with 6.5 and 7. This will all be a very good thing when it's all said and done.
That's not going to help the consumer. If anything, it will only consume or infuriate them to find that they thought they were getting the latest technology only to have a crippled version. In addiition, no one wants to be using old technology. there are a plethora of phones that would run better with WM 5 still up there, but they have 6.1 installed. You assume that customers will be well informed about their choices, but people want what's going to look nice and work well.

As for the pricing issue, unless you are buying your phone unlocked you won't be paying that much, and consumers are obviously willing to spend $150-$300 on a phone (see the G1, Iphone, Pre) that inherently works and comes with a ton of bells and whistles.
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