This thread is feeling a little stagnant over the last few days.
Here are some sweet cabs I've come across in the last little while.
- GPS Location - this program will take your UTM co-ordinates and with one button push you can text, email, make a note, or copy to the clipboard. It also automatically adds a google maps link to where you are
- HTC Gsensor List - this cab will add more programs to the g-sensor list enabling the built in sensor to work with more apps.
- the will stop flash ads from loading and potentiall crashing your opera.
- Qik - this program lets you stream video form your phone's camera to the internet (I haven't tested it yet, but it sounds really awesome.
- PSShutXP - changes the poweroffwarning.exe in windows. So when you long press hte power button you get the option of screen off, soft reset, and power off.