Originally Posted by compulsionNRA
Not to flame you or anything, but I personally think almost the exact opposite. The iphone is just a mac branded piece of garbage for idiots and fanboys. This gave the mainstreem marketing sheep an idea of the PDA market in an incredibly dumbed down way and they love the taste.
I think that most PDA users (not iphone) are either business (for e-mail, correspondence, etc.) or techies. If you buy a PDA and you have no idea what you're doing; with the high price, the large size, and the relatively ugly appearance.... I think you're an idiot. I don't buy a top of the line motherboard for $300-400 and then install Curious George Goes to the Park & just use myspace, that's wasteful and something I can do for way less $$. I use it for many things and buy it based on performance, OC, etc.
If you buy high-dollar/high-performance hardware and you don't use it's potential it's wasteful and stupid.
Back on topic.... VZW I hate you, where's my phone. I feel like I stayed outside a store, in the cold, waiting to buy something and they opened the door, threw water on me, and said #$#% you.
I agree , the i-phone is a multimedia entertainment phone. If it doesn't
mesh with Windows , it's not much use in most business settings.
Great for teenagers and the MTV crowd.