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Old 08-23-2009, 06:40 AM
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Re: Update to WebOS Quick Install

Originally Posted by CozBoogie View Post
Tell me about it. It took me a couple attempts over the course of 2 days to get my launcher background to be clear.

I know easier tweaks are in the pipeline and pretty soon making system changes will take about 5 seconds of just checking radio buttons.

I made my own transparent 320X480 wallpaper and used WebOs Quick install to send it to "/usr/lib/luna/system/luna-applauncher/images" folder on my there an easier way? Is it possible to use windows explorer in Win Vista to manually navigate to that same images folder on the Pre in order to copy and paste wallpapers as needed? I can't seem to be able to access the Pre's folder system. This would be much easier if I could, then a reboot to finalize the changes. Any other suggestions on this?
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