Originally Posted by noob007
Hi... I was considering to buy a pro2.I am tired of my regular Mogul and need a nice upgrade. I passed on the Pro since it is also suffering from improper 3d acceleration. So I did a little hunting around for video on you tube all about Pro2 and I could not help it and now I have the itch! I want to get it badly. But after viewing more videos of it in action(telus and Tmobile versions), I could not help noticing it ALSO suffers from improper Hardware acceleration. Remember all those videos of how older gen PPC like the 6700 would out perform the new handsets like the mogul,Touch, Diamond Pro,Tilt and so on? Specially on the videos using Tom Tom or Igo 8? Remember the videos when they put a side by side comparison of a 6700 vs. Mogul running Igo or Tom Tom? Where as the 6700 had excellent render and smooth while the mogul was very sloppy and choppy and running on 8 FPS? Well... I came across this video and it looks like Pro 2 has the exact same 3d acceleration problem.
So I decided not to buy. I hate to play the whole "Tweak and hope 3d communities fix our PPC game" again. I wish HTC would just release a properly working PPC for a change.
PS. Just found out the Pro2 uses the same CPU as the Pro except it a older version of it. I wonder why? Its like they are taking a step baclwards.
The specs on the pro2 have been discussed many times. Many people have asked the same questions. I have my own theory about the CPU, maybe the older version did not get as hot, so it may have helped fix the overheating problem in the first touch pro.