Originally Posted by leanne
It is totally a personal choice. I wouldn't get an iphone over a Pro2 if the I phone was 25.00. For me it is about the ability to do what "I" want to do with it, not what Apple says I can do with it.
I love being able to personalize and hack my phone. But that's just me....
Nah, it ain't just you leanne
OP, please don't take this the wrong way as it's honestly not meant as a negative towards you personally, but to me if you're even considering an iphone then it's going to be hard for you to understand why a true PPC geeker would be willing to pay $600. It's all about the ability and
freedom to customize something you pay good money for. You can pay good money for any 'i' product, but you're not going to be doing anything with it that Apple doesn't want you to (for the most part anyway).