Originally Posted by yearn
I would also like to see an update, but since the unlocker for the TP2 dropped, Im sure hes busy building a new ROM for it.
Iv been running this ROM with out a hardreset for a full week now and it seems to be getting a bit laggier than it was in the beginning, I soft reset frequently and run CreanRAM daily but still seems a bit laggy.
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed this?
Im also getting 3-10 second lock ups every once in a while. Maybe 2-3 a day, is anyone else seenig this?
I have seen the lockup but attributed this to lumos. I noticed this behavior after installing lumos. just wanted to check with you to see if you did the same. but I have noticed occasional lockups on the keyboard for a couple seconds even without Lumos.
regarding updates, I don't think NRG is done with updates at all. he is still making roms for the HTC Herman that came out in 2006. I agree with Yearn that he probably is spending sometime working on the tp2. it's a fun time for chefs for sure!