Originally Posted by ShaMarshall
settings>personal> where/how do i change the theme here...my only options are Input, Phone, Owner Info, Buttons, Sliding Sounds, Long Press End Key, TouchFlo and Lock.....
i tried applying the wallpaper, but it only shows in the start menu, otherwise the background is black
....pretty close to re-flashin BOOO-URNS!! lol
Hard re-set it is..thanks for your help philliyxx
Im sorry I meant Settings>Today not personal. I am just really tired...
But I did figure out how I got my Panoramic wallpaper to Hide the calender and call history text but still have the icons available to click on in the home tab.
Basically install the NEW panoramic cab that fixes the line issues, then soft reset and install the white clock cab, RIGHT AFTER UNINSTALL THE WHITE CLOCK.cab, Soft Reset...and hopefully you should end up looking like my screenshot.