Re: Tethering Touch with WM6.1. Step by Step instructions
Originally Posted by wm_ftw
I just wanted to jump in just retyped the directions (with an update on the .DLL name).
Only two things are needed:
1. Delete [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing] "Extension"="rilphone.dll" (Note: it might be called "isext.dll" in newer Sprint builds, that's what I had. It's the same thing as rilphone...)
2. Change the value of the "ForceCellConnection" key in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing\Settings] to "Sprint PCS" from "Phone as Modem".
Worked like a charm.
Using CERegEditor I navigate to the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing] and I try deleting the string "Extension"="isext.dll" but it gives me an error "Cannot delete value. Try again."
Is there a trick to doing this?
Update. Unlocking the registry did the trick. Now Internet Sharing is working. Thanks a lot guys.
Last edited by Samaritano; 08-20-2009 at 06:45 PM.
Reason: update