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Old 08-20-2009, 05:32 PM
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Re: Anyone going to pass on the tp2?

Originally Posted by Young_breedent View Post
My cousin has the t-mobile version and it doesn't get hot at all. That issue is gone. So if thats your reason for not upgrading then you need to upgrade. The phone is great and the built quality is fantastic. So sturdy and doesn't wobble, or make sounds like the touch pro did. Well worth the upgrade. Also what i find funny is people are saying they will just wait for the next Gen. Well guess what??? When the new tegra or snapdragon devices are launched i will be getting those as well lol. I get all the new toys. The joy of being a young successful man with no kids
when my wife gets home, i might swing by a t-mobile store and see what it's all about. but to be honest, this refurb tp has been pretty good and i finally have it set up just the way i want it(for now anyways!). but go on playa lol!
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