Originally Posted by pjsnyc
I say do it.
Also - I think I remember reading somewhere that if there's no Sprint signal whatsoever, you can roam on VZW for free. I haven't experienced this firsthand (or maybe I did and didn't realize). Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
I agree also, Just do it. Trial it for 30 days and see at least. I'm a sprint noob with about 2 months sprint experience. I considered verizon and would have trialed them except sprint just turned out to be awesome for me. I had a roaming experience last week when in Laguna Beach where sprint has good coverage, I was in a canyon and lost sprint service, but was getting a verizon signal immediatly and was able to use my pro to make a call,no problem. I was impressed as I was still within the sprint service area. As for customer service it has been excellent so far, Once I got a guy I had trouble understanding and called back, got a lady who was fantastic. Have yet to experience the infamous sprint billing snafu's. I got auto pay and so far it is fine, twice anyway.
I was gsm for the last 9 years and was nervous about changing,but now I'm very happy. Excellent coverage, great pricing, excellent roaming so far, no complaints.