Re: JD 2.01-lr3 082009 (23031)
Originally Posted by Young_breedent
lol yeah i was at work all day while it was going on "geeking" it. They say the hotel i work at can take a level 3 tornadoe so i think i was safe lol. By the time i got off it looked as if nothing had happened but it started drizzling late night. The storm stretched all the way to peoria, IL. Did you have any bad weather where you are?
ironically when bad weather hits it always tears up the eastside of the city it always passes by where I'm at but never hits .... it amazing to be able to look outside and see a funnel cloud pass over but never touch down then hear about it destroying part city not even three miles east of me
My name will appears multiple times spelled different in this sentence , I have two other siblings with the same name as me, don't think to hard to guess what my name is too , who am I