Originally Posted by ap90033
Anyone know what is going on lately with people leaving? Just curious seems like the last guy was a major player. I dont know of any other places that are good for HTC Touch Diamond ROMS are they going elsewhere?
The only thing I know of is XDA, if calc and groove go there I'll probably start getting my roms from over there.
dareeseboy is gone because he wants to have a real life from what I can tell, doing these roms all the time is almost like a full time job, maybe he'll be back.
I don't know what happened with groove and calc, but I've never had any issue with mods or admins on ppcgeeks and everyone's been really nice and helpful, I guess there were just certain unresolved issues between some people, it's a shame it couldn't be worked out.
To avoid turning this place into a soap opera though it would probably be best if someone could just summarize what happened in a locked thread (so people don't put up crazy opinions when they have no idea) or just email calc directly (although he may get tired of answering). I really wish he hadn't left because everyone's roms I use are based in his kitchen and his roms (inda, reeseboy, and calcs, amongst others).
so you can try Mightyrom or some of the others, or look over in XDA see what diamond roms they have, or try to locate if groove and calc went somewhere else.