Originally Posted by razorloves
The dumped is unsigned, which means it can only be flashed on an unlocked phone. It is just the OS rom. The shipped rom is signed, which means it can be flashed on a locked or unlocked phone. It contains the OS and radio rom and also the PRL and PRI.
The exe file is just a convenient auto opening package file that contains the nbh and the RomUpdateUtility.exe files, along with the other important RUU files. You do the exe file the same way you do the ruu. Just establish usb connection with computer and phone (in activesync or bootloader) and open the exe. If you want the files inside that packaged exe file, you can extract it with winrar.
Thanks again razorloves. Everything went fine using the dumped rom. I'm feeling all retro now that I'm back to stock ha ha.