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Old 08-19-2009, 02:02 PM
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Re: Security Tools (Ping, Traceroute, Whois, Port Testing)

Originally Posted by bradart View Post
45 MEGS?! WHOA!!! I would love to have these capabilities, but thats just not worth it.
I know it's a lot when compared to most installations. But it's not really that bad, I usually just install it to a external storage card, and is 45MB really that big of a dent in a 1Gig or larger card? The application itself is pretty minimum in size, it's mainly the database that is large. We are also looking at doing an advanced installer where the database would be included in the download but not in the cab install, but you could copy the database onto the external card and point to it from within the program and install the program to the device itself (you could technically not even have the database, just live without the location information, and just do a simply trace). Would that be preferred for some? That cuts the size down to around 400KB (I know, it's a HUGE difference) but the mapping becomes useless without the database.

Last edited by Punkster812; 08-19-2009 at 02:04 PM.
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