Originally Posted by madcook
hey ive never seen this edit so how are you do this what program where are you editing it like loc.im wondering if i can make a cab for you but i need more info to work with so bear with me hear while i play catchup with you on this
No problem - and take your time. I would do it myself if I knew what I was doing. So here's the history....
I've always thought having the words in the titanium menu is a little short sighted. I don't need the word "weather" in the menu when I can have the actual forecast instead.
So the same principle applies to Calendar. I'd rather have my next appointment then the word Calendar. So I searched the xda forum and originally found a cab (contrary to what I told you earlier, come to think of it) but the cab replaced the entire CPR which included all of my other edits (including cab edits like Titanium Weather 4.2, for example).
So one programmer took the code out of the cab and posted it and said if you don't want to edit all of your CPR, just copy and paste the following into the CPR that you use on your phone. I had no idea what he was talking about, but after a little trial and error, I found the correct Diamond CPR (Titanium_400x640.cpr) and edited the "CalendarCondensed" portion of that file using a simple text editor. I copied and repalced the file and lo and behold my first appointment was listed in the titanium menu instead of the word Calendar.
I find this MUCH more useful. There is one known downside - if you have no appointment in the next 48 hours, then the tile is blank - not even the word calendar. This is never a problem for me as my calendar is very full with my sports teams schedules, work, my wife's schedule, etc.
I hope that helps. Maybe I can find that old cab with a little more time. Do note that if you get ti to work, it will like it dodn't work when you first flash. It won't appear properly in the menu until you sync your calendar.