Originally Posted by MrObvious
No, AGPS. There is a sticky on it. Also make sure you aren't running the 1.12 radio from the new Alltel ROM.
i assume you are referring to the sticky on " How To: Configure GPS"
i tried that already with no luck
i have tried a couple radios, current im back on the new alltel radio
is there certain radio that works best?
i also have tried a few of the Cabs in the first post for carrier settings... maybe there is a certain carrier setting/radio combination that will work????
when i open a gps program that maps the sats... it will show up to 9 sats in view with there strengths, but still take 10minutes or more to lock.... kinda frustrating....
thats what i dont get, in order to have the sats in view it must be recieving data from them, so why does it take so long to lock?
what else is strange is that when i was in poland on business, my gps worked great, even indoors
when i stopped for a layover in DC, it worked pretty well
but back in florida, it stinks
BTW thanx for you help and time