Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 --
Quick Question: Still using MR5 about to jump to MR6 and I've never bothered changning the pagepool but I wonder if any alltel users have changed the pagepool and if so what do they find to be the best option.
The only complaint I've had with the phone/ROM is I have a significant delay on answering phone. If I wait till the second ring it answers almost everytime. But if I just jump right on the 1st ring it's probably 30%. Wondering if this is due to pagepool. Actually it works on 1st ring for several days after a flash but then it starts as I described. I disabled TF3d and it seems somewhat better. then I added SPB mobile shell since I lost TF3d and it works OK w/o nearly as much ring delay. so I am wondering if it is a memory issue. so would changing the pagepool help, if so, changing it to what?