Originally Posted by katpurz
I searched this thread for an answer, but couldn't find one...and this might be a general WM6.5/TF3D2 question more than an EnergyRom one, but I'm not sure. (also a bit of a newb having just settled on EnergyRom after starting flashing this weekend).
In TouchFlow3D2, when I go to messaging...if I have a message showing I can click on the body of the message and go into a really nice sms interface.. At the top it shows my Contact's Name and underneath it says "Messages".
I really like this, but that's the only way to get to it. If I receive a text message and the preview/notification pops up and I hit REPLY, I go to a standard (assumingly) 6.5 SMS/MMS interface. I also go to the standard screen from TF3D2's Messages tab if I click MENU/REPLY. I can only get to the nice one by clicking on the msg in the TF3D2 interface.
Techinically everything works...but is there a way to avoid ever seeing the windows standard interface and only see the neat TF3D2 sms interface?
thx...fantastic experience regardless.
I didn't see any replies to this, but I'm definately having the same thing happen