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Old 08-18-2009, 12:20 PM
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Re: [DISCUSSION] [MightyROM] [] [Rhodium CDMA WWE]

just make it as close to the stock rhodium from europe with a pagepool changer and you're good. I bought and returned the TMO TP2 and the performance on that thing was unreal, WAY faster that any TP rom I've seen (about the speed of ROMeOS if not faster). I tested the memory by opening:

Opera Beta 9.7
Kinoma Freeplay
Youtube Player
Pocket Excel (with a huge spreadsheet loaded)
WM Player running music
MP3 Trimmer
HTC Album
The Camera
Total Commander

...and I was only at 76% still quick as god knows what. Not much to improve on this phone IMO except maybe precaching the entire phone (if even possible) to eliminate the need to load anything at all, lol.

EDIT: and as for drivers, my friend played PS1 games on his at a framerate of 30-60 FPS easy, what D3D drivers are you guys talking about changing? The stock 3D performance is far more than enough fr a phone in this thing.
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