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Old 08-18-2009, 10:30 AM
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Un-doing Your Hard Work

I work for a company that recently got into repairing and refurbishing HTC devices. More and more often our technicians bring me devices with your ROMs installed. This morning I was given a device with a Swedish Chef/ boot graphic. Pretty darn cool, we all had a good chuckle. There's another one on my desk I'm quite honestly afraid to look at.

I have a lot of respect for what you guys are doing here but let me tell you it's been a pain in the butt figuring out how to un-do all your hard work. You see, we have to return these things to factory standard and default before we're done...

Unfortunately, from what I've read here and experienced on my own, there are going to be some cases where this is not possible. Regressing GPS enabled software back to non-GPS, for example.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know that someone out there appreciates your efforts! Thought you might get a kick out of my predicament...

Later, and keep up the good work.

PS-You'd be surprised the number of half-cracked and screwed up devices we get from people that simply didn't follow the instructions you guys post. N00bs.
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