Originally Posted by donj72
Really like the ROM but my issue is the same as the issue I had with Calkulins latest ROM's and that is it won't let you select more than one file at a time in the file explorer unless you select all. You can't just swipe your finger up or down and highlight as many files as you want.
This problem is bigger than just explorer - either this ROM or the new Manila changed how gestures are interpreted. I used to be able to swipe back and forth in my mailbox to get to navigate to other messages. Same thing with other programs where I used to be able to just swipe up/down to read; now I have to use the scroll bars to navigate.
This is one of the new 'features' in 6.5 that I hated (apparently MS enhanced the gestures API and screwed things up). Hopefully there's an easy fix, otherwise, its back down to 2.0 for me.