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Old 08-17-2009, 11:43 PM
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Re: HTC Pro 2 vs. Telus HSPA

I totally forgot, a few months back on engadget there was a letter to the FCC trying to explain a CDMA and GSM radio chipset on the TP2 at the same time. They said "not to worry, we'll lock down the GSM radio." You can see it here:

But the article doesn't mention whether the frequencies are GSM only, or include UMTS/HSPA. I know the specs listed on the site say there is 2100 UMTS and all 4 regular GSM frequencies... but if 850/1900 HSPA/UMTS is in there as well.... WELL THEN THAT"S AWESOME!!

That would make the TP2 like the first almost completely universal worldwide 3G phone... (not completely of course but in all the places that count!)

Here's to the TP2!!
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